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National costumes of Azerbaijan
Marketing Sarainvest Aug 26, 2023 3,070

National costumes of Azerbaijan

National costumes of Azerbaijan were created as a result of the very difficult and long development of the material and spiritual culture of the Azerbaijani people.[1] The ethnic history of the Azerbaijani people, the artistic features of folk creativity, their various forms, artistic decorative patterns, and weaving are reflected in the national costume. As fields such as sericulture and cotton production developed in Azerbaijan, the production of fabric, which played a special role in the preparation of national clothing, increased, and as a result, national clothing was accompanied by a period of revival. As in other examples of decorative applied art, which played a special role in the preparation of the national clothing set, many patterns of decoration typical of the Far Eastern culture were reflected in the fabrics.

It played a special role in the formation and development of national clothing in different regions of Azerbaijan. Although the national clothing set in different regions of Azerbaijan preserved the general form and style of dressing, slight differences were noticeable in some clothing samples. In general, clothes were divided into men's, women's and children's clothes. These clothes were all very similar to each other. Children's clothes were similar in shape to adults. But they differed in some features and dimensions. Azerbaijan's national costumes, which are similar in their entirety, were divided into two parts: lower and upper clothes. Outerwear consists of shoulder and waist wear. The shoulder, in turn, consisted of a top shirt, a back, a hat, a cloak, a kurde, a kurdi, a scarf, and a hat.[2] The women's loincloth was completed with several tumans and khachchurs.

Since the 19th century, Azerbaijan's national costumes have been characterized by gradual changes and disuse. In the 19th century, due to the unification of Azerbaijan with Russia, the national clothes, which lost their appearance day by day, were replaced by cheap cloth brought from Russia and clothes made from it. These new, simple, unadorned clothes gradually entered the household and gradually spread to the regions, and from there to the villages, causing the national costume to disappear.